Saturday, October 8, 2016

On Grabbing Pussy

"I'm glad this was the final straw for a lot of people. Really. I am. Let's face it, most of us knew Trump said stuff like this, and acted like this well before this video was leaked. Some of us even know about him raping a 13-year old girl, and believe the 13-year old girl, because we know men like this all too well.

But here's the thing too many people DON'T know.

Grabbing pussy is not only what 'business men' do. It's what capitalist economies do, it's what, I'm sorry, human beings have been doing for too long to the earth. It's why species are going extinct every day. It's why there is almost no more top soil left on the planet. It's why the oceans are dying.

Land grabs, gold grabs, forest grabs. The rape and pillage of our Mother, Our Lady, the earth.

If you are disgusted by Trump, think about all the pussy grabbing you see every day. Think about all the pussy grabbing our very modern lives depend upon. Think about all the people in the Dakotas trying to stop yet another pussy grabbing. Think about all the very polite well spoken chivalrous men who are nevertheless involved in pussy grabbing.

I'm glad everyone's offended by this. Really, I am. But let's start naming it whenever we see it. Let's not get all ruffled just by the words, let's get ruffled by rape culture and ecocide because that's the real problem.

The rights of women and the rights of the earth are one."

~Perdita Finn (who posted this on Facebook)