
A list of links, blogs, and films that nourish, inform, cry out, and zing!

Links: (OK, I see now, some need to be updated....)

Beams and Struts

Call to Action
Catholic Worker
Center for Action and Contemplation (Richard Rohr)
Charter for Compassion (Karen Armstrong)
Contemplative Outreach (Thomas Keating/Centering Prayer)
The Great Story (Michael Dowd and Connie Barlow)
Andrew Harvey
La Casa de Maria
Mystic Soul Project
National Catholic Reporter
Network of Spiritual Progressives
A New Christianity for a New World (J.S. Spong)
Patheos: Hosting the Conversation on Faith
Pema Chodron Foundation
Poetic Justice  (Vanessa Fisher)
Progressive Catholic Reflections
Progressive Christianity
Reality Sandwich
Ship of Fools
Spiritual Cowgirl
Spirituality and Practice
Swami Beyondananda (Steve Bhaerman)
Luisah Teisch
World Community for Christian Meditation
Make a Joyful Noise: The Prayers of the Unvirtuous Abbey


Cynthia Bourgeault
From Where I Stand (Joan Chittister)
Leslie Hershberger
Mary Is My Homegirl
The Practical Catholic
Rabbi Rami Shapiro's Blog
The Rebel God
Still in the Storm


Angels in America
The Apostle
Citizen Ruth
Beasts of the Southern Wild
Brokeback Mountain
Brother Sun, Sister Moon
The Diving Bell and the Butterfly
El Norte
Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story
Fiddler on the Roof
Fierce Grace
The Fountain
Friendly Persuasion
The Gods Must Be Crazy
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
I Heart Huckabees
Into the Wild
Jesus Christ Superstar
Jesus of Montreal
Life, Above All
Life of Pi
Love Free or Die
Midnight Cowboy
Nothing But a Man
The Nun's Story
Of Gods and Men
Song of Bernadette
The Straight Story
The Tree of Life
The Trouble with Angels
To Kill a Mockingbird
Vision: From the Life of Hildegard Von Bingen

More to come . . . ?