Saturday, September 7, 2013

Prayer for the World

From hunger and unemployment, and from forced eviction:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
From unjust sentences and unjust wars:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
From neglect by parents, neglect by children, and neglect by callous institutions:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
From cancer and stroke, ulcers, madness and senility:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
From famine and epidemic, from pollution of the soil, the air and the waters:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
From segregation and prejudice, from harassment, discrimination and brutality:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
From the concentration of power in the hands of ignorant, threatened, or hasty leaders:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
From propaganda, fads, frivolity and untruthfulness:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
From arrogance, narrowness and meanness, from stupidity and pretense:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
From boredom, apathy, and fatigue, from lack of conviction, from fear, self-satisfaction and timidity:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
From the consequences of our own folly:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
From resignation and despair, from cynicism and manipulation:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
Through all unmerited suffering, our own and that of others:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
Through the unending cry of all peoples for justice and freedom:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
Through all concern and wonder, love and creativity:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
In our strength and in our weakness, in occasional success and eventual failure:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
Alone and in community, in the days of action and the time of our dying:
    Merciful One, deliver us.
Deliver us, Merciful One, by opening our eyes and unstopping our ears,
that we may hear your word and do your will.
    Merciful One, deliver us. Amen. 

 --Modified from "A Litany of Modern Ills," The Covenant of Peace, compiled by John P. Brown and Richard York. Wilton, CT: Morehouse-Barlow Co., 1971.