Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Prayers and Ponderings on the Anniversary of 9/11

God of all races, nations, and religions,
You know that we cannot change others,
Nor can we change the past.
But we can change ourselves.
We can join You in changing our only
And common future where You ‘reign’
The same over all.

Help us not to say, “Lord, Lord” to any tribal gods,
But to hear the One God of all the earth
And to do God’s good thing for this One World.

*   *   *   *   *   * 

Deep patriots don’t just sing the song, “America the Beautiful,” and then go home. We actually stick around to defend America’s beauty—from the oil spillers, the clear-cutters and the mountaintop removers. Deep patriots don’t just visit the Statue of Liberty and send a postcard home to grandma. We defend the principles upon which that great monument was founded—“give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”
                                           ~Van Jones

"I don’t understand God as particularly concentrated here or there, like some mystical aura. God is. It states as much in scripture. So yes, God was when the towers came down. God was when we bombed a fairly defenseless country. God is when we wake up every morning and, once again, make the choice either to live into a radical, sometimes dangerously vulnerable love, or to retreat into fear and more violence...."
(click here for the entire essay)
                                                                          ~Christian Piatt