Saturday, August 18, 2012

Salt and Light

"You are salt for the earth . . .  You are light for the world." ~Mt. 5: 13, 14

I recall a wonderfully clarifying homily in which our pastor reflected on the meaning of “salt” and “light.” Previously, I had understood “salt” to mean flavoring – i.e., if we are to be “salt” for the world, we offer our own particular "seasoning" -- our experiences, our witness, our perspectives, our gifts -- as nourishment for others. Likewise, we are not to "hide our light under a bushel."

But Fr. M expanded on the “salt” metaphor. When salt is added to create flavor, not much is needed. Furthermore, the salt disappears after it is added. Flavor remains, but the salt is hidden. Similarly, the world needs light, but it doesn’t need blinding. The gift of light enables people to see, but they see not by focusing on the light itself. They are able to see what could not have been seen in darkness – they see what the light reveals – and not really the light itself.

It is a wonderful teaching on humility and sharing one’s talents. We share what we are and the gifts we have --  not to bring attention to ourselves, but to bring seasoning to the stew. If the stew was made of ONLY salt, it would be inedible and unhealthy. Flavor is necessary, yet our task is not to highlight our particular flavor, but to provide it for something greater than ourselves. And we stop hiding our light under a bushel so that it can reveal what was hidden, enable vision for others -- not so that our own shining becomes the focus of the journey.